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Add a surface to extension UI

The extension UI boilerplate code includes an extension details page surface, which users will access under Extensions > [your extension’s details page] > Configuration in the Netlify UI. You can change this to a different surface or add additional ones for various locations in the Netlify UI.

This document covers how to update your extension UI to add an additional surface to render in the Netlify UI. It also includes a list of available surfaces and their configuration values for your reference.

For more information about all of the components and surfaces available, refer to the extension UI reference docs.

Add a new surface

  1. First, edit the extension’s configuration file (extension.yaml) to add a new surface under surfaces.

    For example, to add the Site Notifications Configuration surface, add extension-site-notifications-configuration.

    - extension-team-configuration
    - extension-site-notifications-configuration

    This signals to the Netlify UI that it should show your extension UI when a user installs your extension and navigates to Site configuration > Notifications.

  2. Next, create the new component that Netlify should render for this surface in the Netlify UI. For example, add new file called SiteNotificationsConfiguration.tsx under src/ui/surfaces/ with the following component code:

    import {
    } from "@netlify/sdk/ui/react/components";
    export const SiteNotificationsConfiguration = () => {
    const onSubmit = (values) => {
    // Do something with form values
    return (
    <Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
    <FormField name="username" label="Username" />
    <FormFieldSecret name="password" label="password" />
    label="Notification Provider"
    { label: "SMS", value: "SMS" },
    { label: "Email", value: "email" },
    { label: "Carrier Pigeon", value: "carrier_pigeon" },
  3. Next, update the extension UI application to render your new component when a user navigates to the correct surface:

    import { Surfaces } from "@netlify/sdk/ui/react";
    import { SurfaceRouter, SurfaceRoute } from "@netlify/sdk/ui/react/components";
    import { TeamConfiguration } from "./surfaces/TeamConfiguration.jsx";
    import { SiteNotificationsConfiguration } from "./surfaces/SiteNotificationsConfiguration.jsx";
    export const App = () => (
    <SurfaceRoute surface={Surfaces.TeamConfiguration}>
    <TeamConfiguration />
    <SurfaceRoute surface={Surfaces.SiteNotificationsConfiguration}>
    <SiteNotificationsConfiguration />
  4. Next, redeploy the extension so that you can preview it locally. Redeploying and updating your private extension is only required when you add or remove surfaces.

  5. Now, you can run start local development. Once the server starts, navigate to Site configuration > Notifications for your site in the Netlify UI and the new surface should appear. The original boilerplate surface should also still appear when you navigate to Team settings > General team settings

Available surfaces

The Netlify SDK supports extension UI for the following surfaces across team sections and site sections of the Netlify UI.

Team sections

For team features and configurations, you can add the following surfaces:

Extension details page

Note that this surface is sometimes referred to as the Team Configuration surface.

  • Location in the Netlify UI: Extensions > [your extension’s details page] > Configuration
  • Component name: TeamConfigurationSurface
  • Value for extension.yaml: extension-team-configuration

Netlify Connect settings

  • Location in the Netlify UI:
    • Connect > Add a new data layer > Add data sources
    • Connect > Data layer settings > Data sources > Add a data source.
  • Component name: ConnectConfigurationSurface
  • Value for extension.yaml: extension-connect-configuration

Note that this surface should reflect the configuration options you specify for your connector. Learn more about specifying configuration options for a connector.

Site sections

For site features and configurations, you can add the following surfaces:

General site settings

  • Location in the Netlify UI: Site configuration > General
  • Component name: SiteGeneralConfigurationSurface
  • Value for extension.yaml: extension-site-general-configuration

Site access & security settings

  • Location in the Netlify UI: Site configuration > Access & security
  • Component name: SiteAccessConfigurationSurface
  • Value for extension.yaml: extension-site-access-configuration

Site build & deploy settings

  • Location in the Netlify UI: Site configuration > Build & deploy
  • Component name: SiteBuildDeployConfigurationSurface
  • Value for extension.yaml: extension-site-build-and-deploy-configuration

Site notification settings

  • Location in the Netlify UI: Site configuration > Notifications
  • Component name: SiteNotificationsConfigurationSurface
  • Value for extension.yaml: extension-site-notifications-configuration

Site visual editor settings

  • Location in the Netlify UI: Site configuration > Visual editor > Content sources > Add a content source
  • Component name: VisualEditorConfigurationSurface
  • Value for extension.yaml: extension-visual-editor-configuration

Note that this surface should reflect the configuration options you specify for your connector. Learn more about specifying configuration options for a connector.

Top-level site section

Note that this surface is sometimes referred to as the Top-Level Site Configuration surface.

  • Location in the Netlify UI: a section listed under the top-level navigation for sites.
  • Component name: SiteConfigurationSurface
  • Value for extension.yaml: extension-top-level-site-configuration

Next steps

Now that you’ve created an extension, reviewed it in the Netlify UI, and added a new surface, you can create rich interactions by creating an endpoint and calling it from the UI.

For more information about all of the components and surfaces available, refer to the extension UI reference docs.

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