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Build a dynamic connector

For use with Netlify Connect only.

The define the data model and specify how to sync data documents outline how to develop connectors that sync data from a source, cache the data in the data layer’s database in Connect, and then serve the data from the cache while it’s available — you can think of these as static connectors.

But, there are some cases where you may need to develop a connector that allows Netlify to access data directly from the source every time. For example, you may need a dynamic connector to support the following scenarios:

  • The data source is updated frequently and you need results in close to real time, such as financial data
  • You need to access data from a pre-existing API (GraphQL/OpenAPI/REST)
  • You need to use a database as a source

To build a dynamic connector, use the proxySchema method.

You can use connector.proxySchema(fn) in place of connector.model(fn) and connector.sync(fn) to have a dynamic-only connector, or you can include all of these methods and build a connector that supports a data source that is both static and dynamic.

Specify a GraphQL schema with proxySchema

Use the connector.proxySchema() method to define and build a GraphQL schema using @graphql-tools modules.

When Netlify generates the GraphQL schema for your data source, the schema that proxySchema returns will be combined with the schema generated from the connector’s model method, if one exists. The combining process is also known as schema stitching.

There are two steps:

  1. Define type definitions using GraphQL SDL
  2. Define the resolvers

Here is a snippet of an example connector that uses proxySchema to generate a GraphQL schema:

import { makeExecutableSchema } from "@graphql-tools/schema";
import { stitchSchemas } from "@graphql-tools/stitch";
import { buildHTTPExecutor } from "@graphql-tools/executor-http";
import { schemaFromExecutor, RenameTypes } from "@graphql-tools/wrap";
// Connecting an existing GraphQL API
async function getRemoteGraphQLSchema({ typePrefix, uri }) {
const remoteExecutor = buildHTTPExecutor({
endpoint: uri,
const schema = {
schema: await schemaFromExecutor(remoteExecutor),
executor: remoteExecutor,
transforms: [new RenameTypes((name) => `${typePrefix}${name}`)],
return schema;
// Leverage an existing REST API
async function getSchemaFromCustomRestAPI({
}: {
typePrefix: string;
apiClient: BreweryApiClient;
}) {
const typeDefs = `
enum BreweryType {
type Brewery {
id: ID
name: String
brewery_type: BreweryType
address_1: String
address_2: String
address_3: String
city: String
state_province: String
postal_code: String
country: String
longitude: String
latitude: String
phone: String
website_url: String
state: String
street: String
type Query {
breweryFromOrigin(id: ID): Brewery
randomBreweryFromOrigin(size: Int): [Brewery]
breweriesFromOrigin(by_type: BreweryType, by_ids: [String], by_name: String, by_postal: String, by_city: String): [Brewery]
const resolvers = {
Query: {
breweryFromOrigin: async (_, { id }) => {
return apiClient.breweryById(id);
randomBreweryFromOrigin: async (_, { size }) => {
return apiClient.randomBrewery(size);
breweriesFromOrigin: async (_, { by_type, by_ids, by_name, by_postal, by_city }) => {
return apiClient.getBreweries({
return {
transforms: [new RenameTypes((name) => `${typePrefix}Dynamic${name}`)],
schema: makeExecutableSchema({
connector.proxySchema(async ({ typePrefix, state }) => {
const swapiSchema = await getRemoteGraphQLSchema({
uri: ``,
const brewerySchema = await getSchemaFromCustomRestAPI({
apiClient: state.client,
return stitchSchemas({
subschemas: [swapiSchema, brewerySchema],

This connector uses proxySchema to combine a schema from an existing GraphQL API and a schema from a custom REST API. The stitchSchemas function is used to combine the schemas.

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