Developer Guides

Written guides, examples, and demos using the Netlify platform.

How to deploy Remix Vite to Netlify

by Matt Kane

Learn how our new Remix adapters and templates add support for Vite with Remix for both Netlify Functions and Edge Functions.


Using Waku on Netlify for React Server Components

by Daishi Kato and Sophia Andren

Waku now supports Netlify. Learn how you can use the minimal React framework to build with React Server Components.


Adding pinned notes and thumbnails to projects

by Phil Hawksworth

Make collaboration and managing projects easier with pinned notes and custom thumbnails in the Netlify admin UI


How to do ISR and advanced caching with Remix

by Matt Kane

Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) is a powerful pattern for rendering pages on the web. Remix has useful tools to do fine-grained ISR and other advanced caching patterns when deployed to Netlify. This guide will show you how to do it.

Remix Caching Primitives

Explore and download assets generated by your builds

by Phil Hawksworth

Explore the output generated by any of the builds run in Netlify and download them to inspect them individually or as in their entirety


Create and Deploy a Custom OpenAI-powered Chat Bot

by Tara Z. Manicsic

Step through the process of using the OpenAI API, Tailwind, and Netlify to create, customize, and deploy a chat bot of your very own.


Share your Netlify integration with the click of a button

by Karin Hendrikse

Share your integrations with the developer community by using the 'Deploy to Netlify' button. Let others try your integration hassle-free by checking out our step-by-step instructions.


How we built an Upstash integration in 1 (and a bit) days

by Lewis Thorley

Learn how to use the Netlify SDK to create integrations of your own with this walk-through of the development of an integration to Upstash


Integrate PlanetScale in your Next.js site and authenticate using Netlify Identity

by Karin Hendrikse

Set up Netlify’s PlanetScale integration to start using a MySQL database on your site and add Netlify Identity to quickly get set up with authentication.

SDK Next.js PlanetScale

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