Changelog Feed
A heartbeat of recent releases, additions, and developer news from around the Netlify ecosystem.
The latest version of the Netlify Lighthouse Build Plugin has some upgraded features that give you more control over how you audit your website directly from your Netlify deploy.
Netlify’s new Email Integration is an out-of-the-box solution enabled in your dashboard and configured inside your existing codebase that lets you customize the styling and set value parameters of your email templates as well as preview them locally or in a deploy preview all while using some of your favorite Emails APIs.
Natively run API routes as background and scheduled functions in Next.js without relying on third-party services.
Netlify has out of the box support for pnpm, the performant Node Package Manager known for saving disk space.
Automatically run Lighthouse tests for each deploy. Find full Lighthouse reports with scores and web vitals in the Netlify UI. Easily compare scores for each deploy and watch performance over time.
With the latest update to the Lighthouse build plugin for Netlify sites, you can generate a full Lighthouse report with metrics and web vitals like First Contentful Paint and Cumulative Layout Shift for each deploy. Measure whether your performance improves or degrades with each build.
Netlify’s Git integration for Azure DevOps allows developers to automatically deploy without manual configuration. Developers also have the opportunity to comment and collaborate on Deploy Previews so they can gather stakeholder feedback before changes push to production.
More processing power, more memory, and better infrastructure all around! Developers on all plans are noticing faster build times. Build times are even faster for customers on Pro plans and above.