Changelog Feed
A heartbeat of recent releases, additions, and developer news from around the Netlify ecosystem.
Set a custom domain for Deploy Previews and/or branch deploys, and Netlify will automatically create context-based subdomains for you! Automatic deploy subdomains help you increase brand safety and security for pre-production changes.
Announcing the New Contentful Integration: A Simpler and More Polished Content Management Experience
Netlify’s latest integration with Contentful provides developers with a simpler install flow, access to the Netlify UI within the Contentful space, and a preview functionality to visualize content updates more quickly.
Moving forward, Netlify CMS will be developed and maintained as an open source project by PM, a trusted agency partner of Netlify.
Netlify and Sentry provide a powerful combination of tools that help developers build, deploy, and monitor your web projects with ease and accuracy. The latest Sentry integration provides error monitoring for Netlify Functions, Background & Scheduled Functions.
Starting in February 2023, Netlify will begin migrating environment variables to a new secret management experience with better encryption and more flexibility. Control whether environment variables are available for certain features with scopes. Set different values for specific deploy contexts.
The Netlify Drawer lets you invite stakeholders to have conversations about site changes, directly from the deploy preview URL. Sync comments to project management applications. Dock the drawer or hide it from view. Live refresh the page for changes from the CDN.
Point quality assurance teams and stakeholders to long-lived branches and subdomains so they can review before you push changes live. Use the on-page Netlify Drawer to record videos, take screenshots, check for errors, open issues, and more.
The Netlify Email Integration is now generally available as a production-ready feature for all users in their Netlify sites!