Netlify API Guides

Guides, examples, and demonstrations of using the Netlify platform.


Deploy a zip file to a production website using Netlify's Build API

How developers and AI tools can use Netlify's Build API to deploy a zip file to a production website in a few short commands.

AI API AX (Agent Experience)


Create a new site using Netlify's API

Want to spin up a new site on Netlify using only the API? This video walks you through the process—no UI needed!

API Admin


Deploy a new build from a zip file using Netlify’s API

In this video, we show you how to deploy a site to production using just two commands! Learn how to create a new site with the Netlify API, upload your files, and see your site live in production in no time.



Get started with the Netlify API

Whether you're new to the Netlify API or looking to dive deeper, this video is a great introduction to its powerful features. Keep watching to learn how to authenticate using a personal access token, make API calls with curl, and format your response data.


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