Changelog Feed
A heartbeat of recent releases, additions, and developer news from around the Netlify ecosystem.
Netlify expands Region Selection feature to give developers the ability to pick and choose where functions are deployed.
Polyscale Integration Released to GA
Stackbit offers an on-the-glass visual editor that simplifies website editing. In addition to this, we have recently made significant updates to our content editor based on valuable feedback from our customers. These updates aim to enhance the efficiency of editing structured pages and data objects, providing a more streamlined experience similar to traditional form-based editing in a CMS. Here’s what’s new in our content editor:
Gain more control over edge caching patterns and more options for persisting responses outside of Builds and Atomic Deploys.
Quickly connect your Slack workspace to your Netlify account to keep tabs on all your sites and team activity; design your subscriptions to meet your team or organizational needs. Invite Ask Netlify to your channels and get product support at your fingertips.
Empower your development teams to streamline the process of taking their concepts from idea to production, quickly and at global scale with Netlify SDK.
The Netlify CLI is a great development tool for your Netlify site, bringing the full suite of platform primitives right into your computer. When you run netlify dev, we’ll start a local development server with access to redirects, Forms, Netlify Functions, Netlify Edge Functions, and more.
You can now import the TypeScript types for the Edge Functions API from the @netlify/edge-functions specifier, which is available both in Deno and in Node.js.